kitchens, kitchens, and more kitchens

It's finally happening (I think). We are going to remodel our OLD, OLD, OLD kitchen. When we moved in over 4 years ago I thought well, it's old but it's usable, but every day since then I find it less and less usable. Some drawers I can't use because SO MUCH sawdust comes from the drawer above, the plywood cabinets don't close all the way - the counter top is (or was) red formica - which is now, sort of coral formica that is stained and chipped. Diligent scrubbing has made the sink basin less stained than when we moved in, but it is still stained.  We have those ceilings tiles from your third grade classroom. You know, with the holes? You know what I'm talking about. And the worst is the louvered windows that are so janky the glass panels have fallen out and cracked when trying to close them. So, ya, I am ready for a new kitchen.

I've been collecting kitchen images for a while but now I have to get serious and make some real decisions. I love super contemporary kitchens where everything is hidden and clean and you almost can't tell it is a kitchen. But my house is an old (1926) house with slightly Spanish/Mexican influences so it seems wrong to push it SO far out of what is meant to be.  This is what I know: We are going to use the new Ikea SEKTION cabinets, but not ikea hardware.

Up in the air: maybe Semi-Handmade cabinet fronts? Marble counter and back splash - or wood counters with marble back splash?

Also thinking about replacing our refrigerator with some under cabinet refrigerator drawers. I feel like fridges are way too big and drawers should be enough space ( although I do have 2 boys under 5 and when i have 2 boys over 5 I may need that extra space)

Have you remodeled your kitchen? What was the best decision you made? What was the worst?


clerestory windows




marble sink on island


color! and arched passages

Shelves over windows??


super organized.



